Production-Based Lenders Offer New Look

It’s a fact: Today, more and more farm operations don’t fit into the box defined by traditional lenders. As farms expand, the mix of owned and rented acres also shifts – pushing good farms into a grey area outside of the old system and leaving farmers searching for loans from multiple sources. Production-based lenders are offering a new look to an old challenge.

As a production-based lender, FarmOp Capital works with farmers who have a solid history of production and good credit. FarmOp aims to serve farmers who grow an efficient, profitable crop, regardless of whether they own the acres they farm or not.  With the ability to finance up to 100% of their working capital, our model also looks at helping farmers continue to grow their efficiencies through an operating loan product that works for them.

We also offer some things that many can’t:

  • Freedom in Decision Making. Our customers know: we only provide operating loans. The decision making is left up to the operation. From products and equipment to insurance and marketing decisions, we leave the decision making up to farmers.

  • Earlier Access to Collateral. We work to get farmers cash in hand earlier in the season, when farmers need it the most.

  • More Financing, Earlier. In addition to earlier financing, we provide farmers more than today’s lenders. With up to 100% operating expenses covered, farmers don’t have to search for additional funding to execute their plan.

  • Collateral Based on Production Potential. We use history of production and crop insurance to finance your crop. We’re opening doors for farmers who don’t own all of the acres they farm yet run a business just the same. Balance sheets are only a data point for us.

FarmOp Capital is currently accepting loan applications for 2020 and beyond.

Interested? We’d love to hear from you.

Rick Snyder
VP Sales & Marketing